Today Mihret and I went to BIBLE STUDY - it was AWESOME!!! I JUST LOOOOVE it!!!! The book of James is AMAZZZZING - learning from Beth Moore - makes me want MORE! :) ...and the group of WOMEN are SERIOUSLY AWESOME!!!


Today was the VERY first time I tried to put Mihret in the nursery... The drop off went really well!!! She got on a little rocking horse and looked happy... When I left the room, I could hear, "MOMMA! MOMMA!" She was just kind of TALKING it - so I felt goooood to go! Grabbed my buddy Shan - and we headed to our lil study room! ....I kept looking at the pager - thinking, hmmmm... any minute... probably any minute. Our leader asks, "ANY PRAYER REQUESTS?" ...I asked for a lil prayer that the buzzer wouldn't go off and I have a happy lil camper in the nursery... Guess what happened RIGHT BEFORE we were about ready to pray!? YEP! The BEEPER, BEEPED and my heart sunk a little! I RAN to the nursery and found a crying lil boooogery nosed baby girl! ....It's funny, she got sad when someone showed her kindness and said, HI and gave her a big ole hug... probably made her miss her MOMMA!!! :)

Soooooo... I grabbed the lil squirt - wiped up her BOOGS and headed back to participate in a lesson on JAMES... part of our homework was on JAMES 1:27!!!! ...Sooooo I had a lil show and tell! :) hehehe!  She was GREAT! She sat REALLY quiet... ate a few smarties and a few bites of a donut - then we went to watch the video of Beth Moore and she would CRACK up laughing when everyone else did... My bud Shannon gave her a lil book to read and kept her occupied - and she was QUIET and SUPER DUPER goooooooood! SO.... on the way home - I decided to take my bible study buddy, Mihret out to Mexican food!!!

OOOOOH Golly - this lil girl CRACKS me up!!!! I LOVE HER and her CRAZY FUN PERSONALITY!  ....I have to say... she still just TOTALLY AMAZES me!!!!

...It was a FUN day - and we will give the Nursery another shot next week! :) Maybe she will last a lil longer than 15 minutes. (baby steps) :)

...Just a lil about what I took HOME from the study today:

JAMES 2:1-5
1 My brothers and sisters, believers in our GLORIOUS Lord Jesus Christ must NOT show favoritism. 2 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. 3 If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” 4 have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?  5 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?

CONCLUDING THOUGHT: Faith and Favoritism DO NOT mix. 

going to make a conscious effort not to judge
going to make sure that I continue to change because of the WORD of GOD
gonna try NOT to be a FORGETFUL listener... 


  1. Love the video - what a sweetie!! I think she could sell those chips and bean dip pretttttty easily. =) Yay for Bible Study ... you are speaking to me directly on your take-away ~ not showing my best today ... God timing. Thanks, Darcee!!! <3 U.

  2. I am doing James too! We are on week 5. Love this study so very much! And that on favoritism, was so good. Didn't you love how she talked about God, the lifter of our heads? Awesome stuff!

  3. Oh Darcee...the whole George family (including Selam) is cracking up at Mihret's "Goooooooood". Seriously, sooooooooo cute!!!


Thank you for your kind words! ♥