Elijah is HOME AT LAST! :)

WOWIE! What an AMAZING GOTCHYA Video from Amy @ Filled with PRAISE! SO excited for SWEET Elijah and his AWESOME family! ♥ Soooooooo Heart-warming, ENCOURAGING and INSPIRING! Thanks SO much for sharing your INCREDIBLE Adoption Journey Amy - I PRAY it will touch many HEARTS and place a PASSION and drive from our Heavenly Father to take ACTION of their own and see another ORPHAN brought HOME!!! ♥

Our Journey to Elijah Mihretu - Ethiopia Adoption from Amy @ Filled With Praise on Vimeo.


  1. Oh my!! Teary eyed when I saw Daddy + Son looking out airplane window, and the video feed of the walk-out to their family and friends. YAY! I have yet to see a Adoption Video that didn't bring me to chills and tears. =)

  2. Oooooooh I agreee Elle, I have yet to see an adoption video that doesn't bring me to tears either!!! LOVE THEM! :)

  3. Thank you so much for sharing our video. We truly appreciate it and your heart.


Thank you for your kind words! ♥