Local Background Check..

Oh Gooooooodness... yesterday, Erik and I went to get our fingerprinting done, a local background check at the Maple Valley Police Station and our Social Security cards for the whole fam...  CHECK. Got the social security cards ordered! YEAH!  However,  the Maple Valley police department could not do a local background check or fingerprinting... their staff has been cut really short and no longer offer these type of administrative services... UGH!  So... Erik and I went to the City of Kent to schedule our fingerprinting for Saturday the 20th... then we can send that off with a letter to the FBI asking them for a background check...  Erik and I need to schedule one more field trip to Seattle to have the King County offices issue our background check... a few hurdles, a few obstacles, but it's okay... God's timing and will for everything will prevail. :)


  1. Wow youre alomst there! I havent seen yourblog before but you live close to me, We're in Snohomish near Monroe. Maybe we'll be traveling together. What are you hoping for? (boy/girl/sibs) I cant wait to hear updates. My email: nikiwarren7@hotmail.com

  2. Hi Niki... Thanks for your comment... We do live close. WOW! That would be amazing to travel with you... We don't really know too many people who have adopted or who are adopting right now. It is sooo nice to be able to view other peoples Blogs and see how it all works, I get soo encouraged... We are hoping for a little girl. God willing! :) Thanks so much for your comment... I look forward to seeing your numbers continue to drop! :)


Thank you for your kind words! ♥